حمایتشده با ایمپلنت
Given the emphasis on evidence-based dentistry, rigorous scientific criteria should guide the selection of individualized treatment plans to ensure predictability of the esthetic and functional results of implant-supported rehabilitations.
Implant-supported single tooth restoration in the aesthetic zone: transmucosal and submerged healing provide similar outcome when simultaneous bone augmentation is needed.Cordaro L, Torsello F, Chen S, Ganeles J, Br�gger U, H�mmerle C.
Stability of contour augmentation and esthetic outcomes of implant-supported single crowns in the esthetic zone:
Experimental zirconia abutments for implant-supported single-tooth restorations in esthetically demanding regions:
There is an abundance of literature with different protocols of how to design implant-supported fixed dental prostheses in terms of the number, length and diameter of implants required to support such reconstructions.
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